Day 100 Putting in aft cabintop plate
We decided to make it a short day so we can prepare for our trip out to the coast for a CYA basic cruising course.
The thought of putting in the aft cabintop plate didn't seem like much of a task. This part of the top also goes in under the pilothouse window, like a sort of "dashboard", and will eventually be cut out in the center for headroom down into the companionway through the cabin. After looking at it awhile, we realized that the plate would be wider once in place than the opening as it was being put in through. This kind of thing always happens when the job seems a simple one !
Measurements were taken and an estimated curve faired outward from the points. After cutting we bent and pushed for a few minutes, then amazingly it just fell right into place! As can be seen in the photo above, one can now envision the pilot house window.

A perfect fit!
We then buttened her up tight for the next 3 weeks before we will get back to work on her.

Day 100:
3 hours - served up cabintop plate

Commercial VHF