Day 12 Putting together more frames and completing
Some of the frames are comprised of 4 separate sections per side, the web to sole line, the straight section to continue the web past the sole line, the radius section, and the straight section leading to and above the sheer line. This kept us busy for the first 3 1/2 hours of day 12.
Welded together web 7.5 at the same time.

Gena welding 7.5

Shown: Half of frame 7 on copied through plans (plywood sheets) Completed frames in background
Completed and plumbed frames 8, 9, & 10. Finished half of frame 7. They are all pretty light so lifted them by hand. Will likely find it necessary to lift frames 5, 6 & 7 with the hoist. ( Finally we may get to use it this year! ) Next weekend we plan on actually erecting some of the frames! Luckily the weather is holding out.

Day 12: (12 September 1999)
11 hours - Cut and ground 18 pieces of frame. Completed frames 8, 9, & 10. Welded together half of frame 7. Ran out of daylight!