Day 161 Sail locker bulkhead pilothouse floor beams
As can be seen in the above photo, fall is here. And we are ready....well almost!  
Now that the bulkhead is in, Gena decided to put in the much need floor beams (right photo) which will give us back some space, as well as enable some ability to move the welder around. It's a heavy thing to haul over frames etc!

The center 2x2 is just welded on temporarily. This beam will eventually be bolted onto two "fingers" coming out from each bulkhead on each end. This will facilitate easy removal in the case we need to lift out the engine, or get easier access to it.

The center beam will have hinges attached to each side almost the full length of the pilot house so either side of the floor can be opened to access the engine and tools below. This was a major issue for Gena because she hates working in tight places. ( Experience haha! )

She is more of a mechanic than I, but maybe I'll take on a sudden interest in engines in the future who knows! I just have to get over having totally destroyed 2 gas engines in rebuild attempts in years gone by hehe.
My day was taken up installing the forwardmost bulkheads base plate. It fit in fairly easily. The plate for the bulkhead itself ( I attempted to fit today!) Is 1/16" and is very floppy!

This will be supported by vertical stiffeners all on one side of the plate. The door will be ofset to allow for more room on one side. Those sails are huge!!

Day 161:
6 hours-Put in bulkhead (sail locker) base and cut plate for bulkhead, put in floor supports and some plywood!

To DAY 160
Tough electronic repair job?

Call Sandy's CB (780) 986-7433
for a solution!

To DAY 162+