Day 164
Doorframe + Fuel tanks

Time to make a doorframe for the pilothouse to aft stateroom entry. Yay! No more torn coats and pants on the sharp edges of a somewhat inadequate sized "hole" in the wall!  
Making the frame with the bender wasn't such a difficult job to start, we just had to decide on a good size and location for the entry. This should be thought out very carefully as we could see how a couple of inches would make all the difference between an accessible and easy way, to a cluttered and difficult to hang a door in entryway.

First the decision of open-out or open-in was made. ( Easily in this case )
Next, the allowable hinge room. This was limited by the width we chose but it became clear that we would need about 4". The door must be able to latch open but not clutter the entry or hit the wall and cupboard behind it. Also allowing the thickness of the door itself.

-As can be seen in the top photo, the frame is actually two flatbar sections sandwiching lips made of shorter peices of flat bar. This is so the desired thickness is obtained, as well as a seating for the door seals. The corners of the lips will be rounded in for looks.

It must also present a relatively good seal in the case of inondation of the pilothouse area due to whatever. If not for safety reasons, just so as we won't have to soak down our main stateroom! We have heard a warm dry place to sleep during a 3 day ride through nasty weather is nice :o)
The method I have used for making the doorframes is an uncertain thing as there isn't a lot of info about anywhere, but I'm sure it'll work ok.

Gena on the other hand seems certain that the fuel tanks are going to fit into that hole ( below ) and what do ya know? She was right, we tryed it and it fit!

There will be about 2" to spare under the frames for the floor and insulation.

Before they go in, some foam insulation, coated with roofing "stuff" will have to be applied to that area.
Tomorrows job!

Day 164:
6.5 hours - Finished welding fuel tanks (less top!) and built a door frame

To DAY 163
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