Day 181 Support framing
Today we put in supports for the bulkheads along the hull that will be in the dinette and galley areas.

Methods of attaching the interior to the boat can be steel flatbar, wood firring strips, glue etc. We are using steel on the lower parts, then some firring strips on the cabinsides and under the portlights.

The radius method we used forward was still a good idea here although the frame farthest aft could come straight down as the hull to center angle is almost 90 degrees. The "missing" frames were bridged using 1/8" 1.5" angle, with the lower radius being supported by a small piece of flatbar.

In the photo to the right the radius frames are a little "crooked" looking but wont be a problem as only the screw pattern in the wall will change a bit when we attach them.

We could have comprised the radius of smaller tabs or sections to keep it in line with the frame but why?

The flatbar is intermittantly welded on every 2" or so. This may have a slight stiffening effect on the hull as well.

Frames with flatbar on
The floor tabs were pretty much the same thing. We welded on 1/8" flatbar just along the side of the frame. These will be used to attach the flooring and hinges for access hatches etc, and seem strong enough.

All of this area will be hidden behind cupboards and seats and will be used for storage of perhaps somewhat heavy items so just leaving them open would probably not be a good idea.

Instead of plywood we will likely be using fiberglass (polyester) board along the walls here.

Day 181:
6 hours - Framed in supports in galley/dining area for floor & bulkheads

DAY 180


Days 182+