Day 206
Finished hatch
Here's the board in place. It's still a bit tight but the wood will have to be thinned via sandpaper.  
Gena, welded along the dash, and I finished welding around the "hatch" frame with 309 wire.  
It looks not too bad now the board is in.

The view to the left shows how it fits neatly into the ceiling. Insulation here isn't a problem because most of it is inside the pilothouse above.

The face of the board will have a 1" overhang that will appear to be trim to the ceiling panelling. This will allow the door to seat against it making it somewhat water tight.

This will also provide some privacy when there are passengers sleeping aboard in excess of 4. ( The dining area will become a bed ) Especially if there are late nighters, like myself, still up in the pilothouse yapping !

The other job done today was preparing for more coal tarring, the final areas ahead of the water line, and priming the cabinsides and top.

A relatively short day today as we had to go into town.


Day 206:
4 hours - welded up pilothouse hatch area and frames etc, roughed up cabintop and cleaned weld for priming

To DAY 205
See the new Fresh Nelly / Fevertech video "iL2K" !
(320x240 wmv 17 megs)

Fevertech remixed Freshies origional iLove2KIK,
and inspired Fresh has produced a pumping video!
( Soon to be on CBC's ZED TV )

"GIRLZ2MEN" CD Now available!

To DAY 207+