Day 215 Wood framing
Something very different....wood. We had heard it is softer than steel, but warm to the touch, and grows in trees!
Wood framing is desirable in tight areas because of the weight ratio, but also because of sweat problems from the screwheads going into steel. In locations like these many screws are used but can't be capped to stop condensation (unless they are countersunk into wood trim and dowelled in)
According to several designer/builders including Brent Swain-a designer from BC, leaving exposed screws that are into metal connecting to the hull directly is like a dripping faucet in humid climates. The condensation is a real problem from what we hear. And us with our alcohol burning stove and oven he he!

I made the little frames out of ripped fur ( we couldn't find anything this small so Gena ripped it down with the saw. I have put creosote on it and screwed it into place. Creosote requires gloves, and smells really bad. In fact, it's not supposed to be used on interior at all.

It will have plenty of time to air out so we decided to use it anyway. I seem to remember they used it on big ships in the past. It kills virtually anything that trys to grow on it, and the oily finish protects against moisture. Guess that's why they use it on railroad ties.

I finished a cabinside (very time consuming) and coated the next bunch up.

Gena finished up some coaltarring on the frames and installed the chain locker valve and pipe that leads aft.

There are many frames that are only insulated with coal tar and we want to make sure these don't create condensation problems. We're not sure how to deal with this yet but have some ideas...

We have put a valve on here in the case we may want to "wash" the chain in a bath of sorts, or if the bow gets damaged, we can close the valve, then the bulkhead door to prevent further flooding.

For the most part, the valve will only be slightly cracked open to allow for chain drainage into the forward bilge.

Outside, the cockpits starboard side still needed to be smoothed. Gena took that on as well.

This marks a completion to finishing and smoothing the whole topsides, yay!! We went to a block party to celebrate... ok, well we would have gone anyway haha!

Day 215:
5 hours - coaltarred last of floor frames, finished smoothing cabinside welds, put in some wood framing

To DAY 214

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