Day 238 Trim work & floor
As can be seen above, things are coming together nicely. Now the bulkhead is covered, at last I am able to apply the oak trim up to it!
Deciding on types of trim is a difficult choice, and I'm like a kid in a candy store in the oak section of the store! 1/2" round was the choice for butting any walls to bulkheads as it doesn't really need an exact 90 degree angle to work.

It also bends fairly easily.The curves along the bulkead were partial, then cut once the wood couldn't go any more. For the slight curves, I nicked out the corner of the 1/2" 1/4-round every 2" or so to relieve the strain. If these areas weren't going to be hidden by cupboards and seats, I would have had to steam them to get a nice bend, but they are hidden so it's not worth the trouble.

Gena worked in the forward stateroom today putting in the base of the frame for the berth, "Blue Stuff"ing the sail locker floor again, and putting in slides for the floor hatches.

Even though they're actually just fiberglass panel strips glued on top of the frames, we call them slides because they are slippery - even to walk on! They are also durable so it seems like a really good idea to use them, whereas they would just end up thrown away as leftovers.

To the right is the sail locker floor, sealed up with drainage hole, and wires coming out from the end of the conduit kind of covered in blue sticky stuff.

This Blue stuff is great! Once dry it has the feeling of rubber, and is very strong. Gena came up with an idea to coat bedding foam with it to add a barrier, then put that in the usual sleeve for a matress. This could keep out moisture well if applyed thinly.

It's worth a try!

Preparing for floor.
We haven't much experience with moisture and humidity in a boat, but respect what others have to say about it who have. Everything we design is made with battling moisture, humidity and mildew in mind.


Day 238:
7 hours - Prepared for floor forward, finished trim in galley/dining areas.
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