Day 242 Hatch-hinges and cockpit frames
Hatches were on the menu for today and things moved somewhat smoother now I've done one. Using SS bolts also made everything work first time. In the above photo is the hatch opposite the one done on day 241. This one isn't pretty yet, but is functional.
The next hatch was over the forward stateroom area, and care had to be taken not to let any sparks into the boat and on to the newly finished floor! Gena made sure none would escape.

The 3 hinges didn't pose too much of a problem, but the hieght of the hatch did. First I had to carve away almost 1/4" to match the curve of the cabin top. This was no suprise as even the small hatches had a curve cut out. The suprise was the dip along the sides of 1/4" difference from the corners.

When the cabintop was welded, it was straight. Somehow a dip occured at the weld, it may have been us welding in the frame nearby or the hatch frame welding itself. The photo doesn't show it at all for some reason.

In any case it must be filled before the final coat goes on. It's over a small span so it shouldn't be a problem.

The router is a new thing for Gena, and I let her do her thing with it even though I have used one before. She did a great job sinking in the hatch handles! They look and feel fine ( even with bare feet ) They will be screwed down with a touch of glue.

A great temporary storage space!!

While I was having fun with the hatches, Gena cleaned up the pilothouse ( what a difference a day makes! ) and organised tools, grinder blades, cans of screws, bits and brushes, into the forward cabin on what will be the berth there.
She then went aft and cut out the twisted frames under the cockpit and replaced them with larger ones that aren't under a lot of stress. She plans to reinforce the aft supports also as the ones that are in there wouldn't hold much of a load and would likely punch a hole in the bottom of the hull.

These were not origionally thought of as supporting members, but now we think they may be. Better to be safe.

The next logical area to work is aft, as the welders passage would be restricted not to mention us tracking through if the pilothouse was completed next. The rudder assembly must be installed as well as the framing tanged. The swim platform's top step also involves the aft interior.


Day 242:
6 hours - Hinged 2 more hatches, welded on forward supports for cockpit, cleaned up

To DAY 241
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To DAY 243