Day 310 Small bookshelf & watersys
The space in between the two cupboards aft on the opposite side could have also been a flip up cupboard bur Gena asked for a small bookshelf. This is a good choice as one often reads in bed.
 I wanted to do something fancy so I made a curvy frame that comes into a piece of half round on top, and cut a slot for a 1/4" board to slide into. The board can be positioned to stop books from falling out by wedging it up higher, or removed all together through the top.

The top and bottom are inset, nailed and glued.

It took all day but I love the way it looks, so a day well spent.

Gena has started in full force on the water system. We need to get the floor in the pilothouse down permanently because the aft is getting finished, and the pilot house is next. As can be seen in the picture, doing it after the floor is in would be a cramped affair.

The big silver thing is one of the tanks as shown previously, now strapped into it's cradle and covered with furnace insulation. This is so the engine won't heat the tanks up as much.

More on this tomorrow!

I have decided to make a little design on the faces of the drawers for both desks. The photo below shows it!



Day 310:
7 hours - Made bookshelf on starboard side of berth aft, started drawer fronts, started water system

To DAY 309

Canadian Marine Weather

To DAY 311+