Day36 Serving up the aft radius plate
Even though the lower part of the aft section went in easily, the top half had to twist some and therefore took some time to seam in. A lot of grinding was in order, as, even though the plate had been pulled in tight to be marked for cutting, the aft part had to be re-cut to over an inch more.  
Once the excess is removed, the last few inches of the join will likely have to be ground out again to allow for a continuous curve in to the transom.
The other side we tryed something new for the top section. As we had cut the plate over size, we decided to pull in the whole piece tight and then cut it out while still up, using the lower plate as a template. This worked quite well and only required half the time grinding and fitting.
At last the radius plate is all on! We still have to trim off the excess along the top and bottom as some is too over size. Next weekend we will be fairing up some coning between some of the joints. This may require fabrication of a pull-in clamp that will draw in small sections of the join, to be split, faired in, and re-tacked to completely remove the cone.
This has to be done before serving up the large flat plate as it may flatten outward some. Suprisingly, the aft frames stayed in place, contrary to what we thought would happen once the aft plate was put on. I guess the lower half stabilized the whole thing and stopped any vertical movement.
We are glad to see the whole length radius panelled, and it looks really good! Shortly I will post an enlarged full side view so you can see for your self.

Day 36:
11 hours - Put on the rest of the aft radius plating.

To DAY 35
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To DAY 37+