Day 86 Put on poop deck sides and 1/4 tubing for edge
After a weekend off visiting family, we're ready to get things buttoned up for the winter!
For some reason we really want to get the poop deck on, so we braved the ( it doesn't look it here, but you don't need snow believe me! ) sub-zero temps and did it !
Splitting pipe that small (about 2.5" ) is harder than the big stuff. It had a tendency to curve alot thus making the second cut along almost impossible. I ended up tacking on a piece of flat bar with the same curve, so I could use it as a guide. We'll have to think of a better way of doing that!
In the pic above, the curve can be seen. It straightened out when pulled into position quite easily.

Warm muffins and a hot coffee were in order!
We are putting on the split pipe because it rids one of the sharp corners that can't take impacts, shoes, and rope dragging across them as long. Also because it looks nicer hehe.

Day 86:
8 hours - Put on poopdeck sides and split pipe along the top edges

Marine Radios
Sandy's CB Shoppe