The Pre-launch Week 2
Getting everything ready to go!
 After going back to Alberta to get more stuff, and to sell yet even more stuff on eBay and at garage sales, we are finally back at our new home, the boat. While we were away, the mast was added, making her appear, in everyone's eyes, to be a sailboat. The size of the mast dwarfs the size of the boat towering 62 feet above the deck.
The boom was the first thing I banged my head on, being used to only sky above. I continued to bang my head into it, as did Gena, until I decided to put on some masking tape strands hanging that may catch ones eye as stepping into the cockpit. This worked well.

I then went and banged my head on the boom vang! Oh well!

There turned out to be one flaw in the way we set out the decks and cabin top:
I had followed the blue prints on where the bum rails would be. They were just a "drawing" I suppose as the vang slapped into them before even reaching 45 degrees! Ooops.

The first photo to the right is the before picture, the next is the after. I ended up just buying 2 new mounts and bolting them on to the cabin top, then shortening the top rail. The old mounts may be cut off if we can't find a use for them.

The rest of the week was spent unpacking and organizing clothes, tools, food, my electronics stuff, books, sails, and everything. Then we threw away cases that were too large, boxes, containers, and plastic cartons. A lot of the contents from those were stowed far more efficiently in large zip-lock bags. Most of my electronics storage stuff fit under the tiny floor forward.  Care was taken to wrap sharp objects that might punch holes in the bags.

 During our last trip we realized that we haven't a VHF station license or  ROC's (radio operators certificates ) so we booked in for the course at Granville island and crammed for the exam on the last day, just like back in school! I came out with 96 % and Gena with 92%.  At first I was annoyed the us "advanced radio amateurs" would have to take such a course, but there are protocols to be used, particularly during a distress situation, that may save lives and at least make the use of a marine vhf more efficient.

Anyone presently operating a marine VHF on a boat without at an ROC should go and take the course. If not for your own safety, then for the safety of your loved ones aboard.


There were many other small things that needed to be done. A wood wire tray over the cables going aft to the radar arch was pre-made in Alberta, then cut to fit here. Trim that was just sitting around was nailed on, new stove latches were added as the original one just wasn't going to cut it.

 Gena finished grinding and coating underneath the keel where the blocks were before she was moved, then buffed up the prop to make it shiny!


 The septic tank level started messing up, and at first I thought it was just a programming glitch. It turned out later ( after a smelly retrieval) that the tube had leaked, and the wires to each reed switch was eaten off. Now the whole thing must be re-designed! Why? Because the flux gate compasses are directly above it, and the level uses a GIANT doughnut magnet. Duh!

I'm not really sure how that happened, but I guess you can't think of everything right?

After inflating the bumpers and properly hanging them, then putting the champagne in to chill, we decided she is ready for launch.



The Pre-launch prep 2:
Time is not an issue! We were at it for a few more days.

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