Breaking News!

Here's where any worthy news on the development of the Reflex LiveLoop will be posted
You may also check through the ever growing thread at Muff Wiggler HERE(DIY) and HERE(Eurorack)

March 27 2023 Last Reflex sold today!

The last Reflex went into the mail  Friday, and was somewhat of an emotional affair. I have of course retained a couple for myself. There are also some aluminum face panels, albeit not in perfect condition (small scratches, or defects), that we can sell at cost if yours is really bad. It was quite unfortunate that not only the chips costs nearly doubled, but one particular chip, as a result most likely, has become unavailable, and can't be replaced. by anything else. It was $38 before the chip shortage, and probably wasn't selling well at that price!

There may be something similar to the Reflex in the future we don't know, but the upcoming MyGrain granular synth module might fit the bill for some interested in granular manipulation with a twist, stay tuned! Originally, back in 2018, I had intentions of designing a Reflex II which was more akin to the OD ER-301, purely DSP, but in hemming and hawing, they beat me to it after which there was no point. It was that similar! In closing, thanks to everyone that bought a Reflex with a similar vision that I had, and hopefully your's continues to function well for many years to come!          Sandy*


Nov 13th 2022 Last of Stock!

Because of rising prices of parts, and the Reflex has some quite expensive parts, we have decided with much sadness to discontinue the Reflex LiveLoop. If you have been thinking about purchasing one, we do still have stock enough to likely last into the new year, but after that they're gone! Thank you to everyone that took on out flagship module the Reflex in all it's complexity, you have made this a really great 6 years!


May 7th 2019 Found a bug!

Surprisingly enough this seems to have gone unnoticed by me and everyone else:
Conditions:  PlayFX G-Move, Size knob fully clock-wise, CV input +5V or greater
Issue: PlayFX G-Move locks up and becomes non-functional even though all other modes are fine
Solution: The combined over voltage and knob position were causing a "zero" condition that went beyond G-Moves updating ability so it would become non-responsive. As of this date the fix is Version 2.06 here. Thanks for finding it Ed!


Aug. 2nd 2018 New 1V/Oct Slice Selection!

After several requests we've made it official: Slices can be selected based on Slice total divide over 0-5V *or* as 1V/Octave Notes (.0833rV/Slice). This enables the Slices to predictably work with any 1V/Octave CV (Common in many newer digital modules including the New SDS Digital RIT_M) While the CV must be set slightly before the trigger (more predictable) the stability seems pretty good thus far!
If there are less than 60 Slices (required & max Slices) then they will roll back to Slice #1 etc. If there are more than 60 Slices, then they can't be accessed via CV...uh huh! The down side. Up to 76 Slices can be accessed though (Rate Knob offset)


June 8th 2017 DJ Mode Works on Slices!

Finally, DJ Mode can now run on a Slice. I'm not sure how useful this would be, but with the Flash-8 a "library" of samples can be stored as slices so it's great for having a controllable sound FX bank (at least that's what I use it for!)


June 3rd 2017 Some Firmware experiments!

Check out firmware updates newer than V2.00, which are beta's (thus experimental)
  Two major innovations in V2.02beta are DJ mode, which sets up PlayFX to control the speed and direction of a sample with the top knob, while the bottom acts as a "momentum" of the playing "record" platter which gets interesting when a CV is applied to the speed/direction and the momentum is cut down, and Live Freeze mode, which was recently suggested to me and a bit of a coincidence as I had been contemplating this for a few days before.

Live freeze will take an incoming sample still recording and present it to the output as your PlayFX setting (G-Move, loop, reverse etc), instantly and seamlessly switching out the Dry input for the duration of PlayFX. This means a gate can control it so there's some great possibilities with this one!
There is of course mix options and will work in any PlayFX mode, even while playing Slices or a Slice Groove Sequence  as long as they are using PlayFX.


Dec14th 2016
2nd Run Completely Sold Out!

We have just officially sold the last Reflex LiveLoop of the 2nd run! Luckily, the 3rd run boards arrived last week and we're back to work (like elves in Santa's workshop really!) assembling the first units of the 3rd run.
                                                           Gena happily hard at work in the pic!>>

Not everyone ordering is getting a Flash-8 (despite the holiday sale on right now Reflex($400)+Flash-8($90+5) for $455 including double header and MIDI patch) which is a real surprise, but also good as we only had 100 Flash-8's in stock, and they are flying out pretty quickly. Thank you to everyone!!

Future Plans:
Now that the heavy load of firmware updates, revisions, and fixes seems to have subsided (for the moment haha!) I am able to re-focus my efforts on a fairly massive modular endeavor that has been in the works in one form or other for the past 6 months. It's a big secret for now but I promise anyone reading this "you will not be disappointed!"

Dec 1st 2016 V.2.00  Flash-8 Upgrade!
Addition of handlers for the new Flash-8 Expansion Module that started shipping on November 25th. The Flash-8 adds permanent memory slots (8 sessions) and complete MIDI control to the Reflex. Even if you won't be getting a Flash-8, this upgrade also includes finished 1.05beta features, some great improvements, and additions to make the Reflex a better module:
New: GMove +/- 1 X speed and +/- 2 X Speed "detents"
The two each side of center, reverse and forward, will lock G-Move at true 48Ks/s travel through the sample or slice. The LED Circle will flash and hold for a moment when this point is reached. Each extreme end is +/- 2 times speed exactly.
So if you created a clocked loop in echo or R/P, and start G-Move on it, at the detent positions it will stay in sync with occasional trigger.
Karplus (fast, <100mS) echo PlayFX handling & live memory scanning
If a Karplus Echo is in progress, a switch to PlayFX S/E or P/S would do nothing more than "buzz" with the tiny loop. No more!
Start/End: PlayFX ranges from start to present record position (SO a Karplus recording can be played backwards, even Sliced later.
Pos/Size: PlayFX ranges from present record position to end of sample memory. Accesses un-recorded memory or can be used to access old recording. Great to use with Rate changes as "record head" passes! Varying echo lengths, frequency drops etc. Chaos!
Oct 30th 2016 V.1.05beta
New Feature: Phonogene-like "Broken Echo" Mode Beta
This new mode (by pressing PSEL+MODE buttons together) lets you selectively add "spurts" of audio into a running Echo, which can be stepped into infinite echo to prevent decay of audio quality until more sound needs to be added. This is a mono (Right) function, but splits to both outputs. The blend control turned left from fully CW will insert the sounds softly, at varying amplitudes to mix or completely over-dub that portion of the echo. It is surprisingly addictive!
New Feature: Stereo G-Move test
If PlayFX G-Move is started with the LOOP LED off, G-move grains will toggle/switch left and right. WIth a normal stereo feed this isn't super-noticeable, but if audio is mono and only fed into the right side (RP, not normalized to left) G-move takes on a new life!
Oct 17th 2016 V.1.04a
New Feature: Live Pitch Shifting!
1) Start a record only in R/P or Echo mode
2) Set Rate to center if desired. (This will be the base record sample rate so should be)
3) Select G-Move mode with PSEL button
4) Tap PLAY button to enter G-Move Pitch Shift

The Top PlayFX knob is the delay period from minimum to maximum (1second)
The Bottom PlayFX knob acts as regular G-Move grain size.
The Rate knob changes and acts as the pitch shift control of +/- 1.25 octaves. +/- 1 LED's indicate 1 octave.

New Feature: Global Slice overdub
Slice over dub has been left in place for single Slice editing, but if Slices are playing via triggered sequence
or SGS sequencer playing, tapping REC button will start a "Global Slice Overdub", tapping again will stop record
This can be fun for sequencing live changing audio input, especially if feedback is up some!

Sept 2nd 2016 There are so many new features and updates!
V.1.03beta: This version has a lot of changes to Slice Play (Much simpler!),
*PlayFX on Slices that are 1-shot will also be 1-shot
*SGS (Slice Groove Sequencer) now sends a clock, and is clockable!
*Stutter is now also controllable inside PlayFX, with intelligent "capture" of knob positions.
*G-Move now has Stutter capabilities.

Slices made during initial record, or in R/P mode during Record or Play will become 1-shot Slices. Sequential Slices always play as:
Slice LOOP ON:   1-Shot with Slice button (Slice Sel=on)  -or-  SL.PLY trigger
Slice LOOP OFF: Play through Sample memory from Slice point with button (Slice Sel=on)  -or-  SL.PLY trigger

Slices made during Echo/delay, or Layering will always have a length of the Echo/Layer, and are considered Loop Slices.
Loop Slices will always play as:
Slice LOOP ON: 1 echo length, continually looping with Slice Button (Slice Sel=on) or a trigger on SL.PLY input
Slice LOOP OFF: Slices will play through rest of slices starting from position of slice in sample.

Slice Groove Sequencer (SGS) can now be stepped by a clock/trigger input to SLICE jack, but only plug in once SGS is playing a sequence, or new Slices will be created by this jack!

Stutter Mode now runs inside of PlayFX and even in G-Move mode!

May 24th 2016 Fine PlayFX Controls

  Embarrassingly enough, the Reflex V.1.00 didn't have fine controls when in PlayFX! With Slicing it wasn't really needed and would interfere with G-Move inside of a miniLoop function. As time went on, I realized that G-Moving inside of a miniLoop is probably never going to be used as it can be done inside of a slice anyway.

  So now, when in a PlayFX (Start/End, Position/Size, G-Move) pressing the P.SEL button will toggle to "Fine Mode" and the controls will pick up the position and adjust finely from it. The PlayFX Mode LED will flash when in Fine mode.
In G-Move this allows much slower motion through a sample, but also much more control over the grain size... to the point it can be sequenced as constantly changing "notes" via the END CV input. Video here!

  Fine Control is somewhat implemented in V1.01d, but will be better (more intelligent with sample size vs. size steps etc) in V1.01e

April 7th 2016 Audio Peak Auto Start

  It only took a couple of days to receive a suggestion with the Audio Peak Record Start (thanks out to McKenic!) which, if there is no activity, and the mode is switched over to Peak Slicing, a press on the Record Button or a footswitch will "arm" record to start on the next bit or audio. This works well for just about every sound that starts suddenly like a drum, or synth stab, piano, etc.

  The question I posed was how to abort once Record is armed, if you change your mind, and are far from the Reflex ready to go. It seems logical that holding the footswitch or Record button as if to stop a sample recording/playing is the best way to go. This cancels the "Arm" so a following tap will just start record as usual.

April 2nd 2016 Slice Modifier and Slice Overdubbing Will Stay!

After much consideration and hair pulling, I have decided to leave Slice Modifier and Slice Overdubbing in place.

A video on Slice Modding (re-defining a slice's size and if forward or reverse) is here, but there's no video for Slice Overdubbing yet.

Slice overdubbing has been a tricky beast. The interface is simple enough:
Select a slice to dub into, or punch-in and replace a section of, then tap the Record button. Tap again to stop recording.

Because of this "new" mode of recording, slices can no longer be recorded normally while playing, unless the record was started first. Recording slices was kind of useless anyway, by recording playFX will remain. For this reason, a Slice overdub cannot be started while PlayFX'ing a slice!

Slice Record/Overdub actions:
As the slice loops, the record layers over and over, so it can be useful for "destroying" fidelity, and of course mixing another sound into it, or replacing it altogether. The limitation is that the recording can only be as long as the original slice, but this can be thwarted by turning down the sample rate of the slice! Also, that record layering on shorter slices will act like an echo/delay that can be "frozen" at any time.

The good thing about Slice overdubbing is that it doesn't use any more RAM, it just uses and records on to the existing Slice. This allows constant permutations of a slice into a completely different thing. It's really amazing using drum samples.

One disadvantage of slice overdubbing is there's no reverse. The record won't happen if a reverse slice is playing. This problem arose when I found that the record would come around and essentially chop the slice in half, with one side playing back forward again. It was undesirable. Still, there's probably a way to change this issue, so stay tuned!

  Another consideration is the source of the Slice. If it came from a straight record that was sliced live, then the slices will be in sequence, or, end to end so to speak. But if they came from an echo/delay, each slice created will have a full echo time behind it which is very useful for tempo-based applications. Not great for overdubbing though. If 4 slices are created inside of one echo time, then recording over the first will also record over most of the second, and half of the third, and part of the forth. The fifth would be unaffected.
  The short term solution is to use Slice Modifier to shorten the slice, then record onto it. The main problem is that the user may want to do this. If the slices were to be created at every echo length, then there wouldn't be a problem. I'm attempting to resolve this in any case.

March30th 2016 Panels on their way! (almost)
There has been a bit of a delay for one reason or another, and looks like the panels will arrive 2 weeks behind schedule, which puts the arrival date around April 8th or 9th.

They look nicely brushed though!

Updated Update (April 7th):

Panels are in fact on the way, and a huge parts order showed up finally today from Mouser. It about time!! 3 weeks is way too long. They also messed up on some 100nf caps that are supposed to be 603 SMD size, and these are the tiny 402 that are too small.
Luckily I have a running stock of 100nF's, but not an endless supply to be sure.


March26th 2016 Settings/Enhancements

 The Reflex LiveLoop, like any internally complex machine, has some user settings that are saved after power-down.

Recently added functions to the Settings Menu  (Hold Slice Sel > 4 seconds) include:
Auto-calibrate Feedback setup.
    Calibrated by us, but you may want to play around with it. Acquires near perfect feedback for faster delays and karplus strong effects.
    This by no means limits feedback to 100% as the EQ bands can be used together (at once) to generate +15dB! It's a good reference point to work from, and the feedback control is the finest audio control on the Reflex LiveLoop.
EQ Midrange Band Selection
This setting selects one of 4 center bands that the Midrange EQ control & CV input will allow +/- 15 dB of gain/attenuation

March 24th 2016 Layer Mode has been re-designed! (Last minute Programming Update)

I was using the Layer Mode yesterday and found it completely annoying as it was a couple of weeks ago (thought it might have been "me" then ) so I decided to re-design the whole mode from scratch, a sort of hybrid of the old Sampler method and the last for the Reflex.

Surprisingly it went together fairly easily compared to the 5 days it took before. Maybe that's the secret to knowing if something is intuitive? The programming is intuitive as well?

Anyway, here's how Layer Mode works now.
Tapping on the Record button *or* footswitch:
Tap 1 - Starts recording
Tap 2 - Sets Primary Layer loop Size, and switches to play - unless there's another tap within 1 second, which will switch to Recording a new Layer right away.
Tap 3+ - Single taps switch to Play Loop, Double Taps start a New layer recording.

The tap/taps can be between Loop points, or right at the Loop Time, so no screw ups!

Layers can still be "grown" (4 beats to 8/12/16, or 8 to 16, etc) by leaving it Record over a Layer point before tapping for a new layer or just play, or just waiting for the point you want to Record another layer.

Also, there's a Layer "Peel" ( three taps within 2 seconds) to go back to previous layers and layer sizes right to the first!
Put down the guitar, double tapped the pedal and ran over to the V-Drums before the next layer began, only to find no throne, so stood and played!
...lots of layers don't know how many. Don't try to figure out the word
March 20th 2016 Reflex LiveLoop "Quick Guide" Completed
 A very short guide for those that don't like to read for more than 1 minute (myself included!) has been posted.

It covers the basic operation lightly, and has descriptions of each control, jack, and button, along with a Mode Interaction Sheet that describes the main features and how they interact.

If you already have this manual, you may want to download again as the old version has been updated twice!


March 16th 2016
First Set of Boards Have Arrived


 The  long awaited first set of trial boards have arrived. These are for us to put together by hand and make sure there's no issues.

The manufactured assembly (PNP) of the larger board(s) is going to cost a lot, so we're making certain that they are flawless in design.

Now we just need the parts!


March 10th 2016 Slice "Groove" Sequencer Baby!

Here's little video on the Slice Groove Sequencer. Pretty proud of this one. Up to 200 "taps" or notes can be in a sequence, so if the notes aren't close together, it can be quite a long sequence.
I was going to deprecate this feature before, but it's just way too much fun and very quick to operate as you see in the video.

The way it works is you Make a bunch of Slices manually, via the Slice trigger, or using Peak Slicer, then switch to Slice Sequencer mode by holding the slice button (no longer than 3.5 seconds or slices will be erased) and tapping the record button.
The Red LED over the slice button will illuminate indicating the Sequencer is ready to start recording.

Switch to Slice Select (Slice Sel button so green LED is on) if not already there, then use the Rate knob to select up to 16 slices and tap in the sequence. Slice CV input can also be used to access slices beyond the 16, and Slice Play Trigger to sequence them!
This means  a sequence from a sequencer can be recorded, then the Sequencer disconnected and the Sequence will continue.

To switch to play, just tap the record button again, Red LED goes out, and you're slice grooving!
As soon as you start tapping the slice button again, you're recording a new sequence, so it can flow seamlessly.

SDS Digital

Fresh Nelly Musik