Day 167
Door frame and cockpit drainage
Above the forwardmost doorway can be seen, with frame mounted.
This is the access to the sail/chain locker. We have offset it to allow space for the really large sails to the port side. That way we will have a bit of room to move when hauling in or out a sail through the above hatch. The chain will fall into an open container forward from the windlass. What to make this container out of is still up in the air. It's a lot of chain per rode. We will be carrying about 500' total.
There was a slight warp after welding the doorframe that is going the opposite way and we would have been better off not straightening it out in the first place ha ha!

While Georgena was welding that, I measured and cut some pipe for our cockpit drain. Origionally they were going to go out each side of the boat, but we realised that the entry into the aft stateroom would have needed to be so high to allow for the pipe on that side, it would be very uncomfortable.

The pipe goes straight down thru the hull and out underneath. The pipe is 3.5" ID so water should flow quickly out. The other side of the cockpit will be a smaller pipe "V"ing into the large one.

How's that for precision!
This pipe will also serve as an exit point from the bilge pump, and a nipple will be added with a valve to hook up the emergency whale gusher pump, which will be under the entry steps.

The photo to the left shows a trial fit of the pipe,aft of the pilothouse bulkhead.

Further up, the seat drains and coaming drains will all go into this pipe.

The cockpit drainpipe  



Day 167:
5 hours - Put in doorframe for sail locker and cutout for cockpit drain pipe

To DAY 166
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Amateurs, everyone, welcome

To DAY 168+