Day 284
Stanchion mounts, panel
Leaves, leaves everywhere. I had to be careful I didn't ignite them down below with flying welding sparks!  
The snow is still staying away so I decided to do the stanchion mounts today. I have 7 of them smoothed and polished up, ready to go.

Originally, I had planned to make these all level both fore and aft, and port to starboard. But after noticing there is a little play when the pipe is inserted, I decided that angling them slightly outward might be better. This way, they can never lean in further than vertical, and tend to add to the shape of the side of the hull in a more continuous flow. I'm not sure if this is the way everyone does it as there are just no marinas around Alberta with big enough boats.

Also, this provides a little more moving space on deck, by a couple of inches. This is an especially noticeable gain near the front of the cabin where the deck narrows a lot.




As can be seen to the right, a stick taped part way up was used to force the level out away from the stanchion, thus giving an extra  couple of degrees.

I have heard people do bend stanchions to line them up, but I prefer not to!

The remainder of my day was spent helping Gena hold up paneling and making up more stanchion mounts to take into work this week. Polishing them up is time intensive, but hey, when it's at work it seems like time well spent hehe!

Gena had her hands full today putting up paneling. She lined up the port lights perfectly and everything just fell into place ( more or less ) as if it were pre-fabbed.

The section below the berth framing will be left un-paneled for now as were not sure if those corners will even be usable.

The weath  
The ceiling  is really being a problem. Because the ceiling in here is actually the deck camber, there is much less of a curve than the forward cabin and pilot house roofs. Because of this, the panel is sagging as it can't curve enough to stiffen. The photo to the right shows this.

Luckily, most of these won't be a problem because they will be held up by cupboards and a doorway frame into the head. But there is one area we're not sure what to do with. A wooden "false" frame may need to be installed bridging across forward of the hatch where all the problems are.

Gena screws the ceiling panel up, the screws will be replaced with pine cone fasteners
A floor attempt frustrates Gena. The ply will need to be less thick here, or slotted more to allow a curve over such a short area. Where the two sections meet, a floppy thin floor would make carpeting impossible. So a small riser running along the seam will need to be added.

All in all the rest of the flooring is great!

Day 284:
9 hours - More paneling, welded on 7 stanchion mounts

To DAY 283
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