Day 290 Sticky! Hatch prep Aft Berth
After what seems like a very long space of time, Christmas visiting, a couple of flu bugs, and a difficult couple of weeks at work, we are finally back working on the boat! We missed it so much! To add insult to injury, the weather over the past  3 weeks has been amazingly warm!
The temps of course fell off to -15º now we're back at it. Even with that, returning the peaceful construction of the interior is a pleasure.
My job today was to get the hatches prepared for framing.

"Blue stuff" seems to have gotten all over all of them somehow. Because the bottom lip of stainless will be exposed along side the wood frames, it needed to be scraped, cleaned and polished.

The inside stainless edge can be polished after, from the outside, once it has warmed up a bit. In the pilothouse, the original idea was to make the frames flush with the edges and support them with the "T" frames fore and aft. But this would mean the frames would need to be excessively wide on the aft end so that idea has been scrapped.

Now the foam must be cut out around the hatch to accommodate the wood framing. (Top right)

Blue stuff was carefully painted back on to the foam afterwards. While wet, it can be removed with a wet rag.

I used a beveled sanding disk on the grinder, then a 60 grit sanding cylinder on the drill to polish up the bottom edge.


I call it a cylinder but really it's like a fan with little blades made of sandpaper. 60 grit means nothing with these things! Because the sandpaper slowly gets exposed as the cylinder becomes smaller, scratches don't occur and it can be used to polish to near a cutting polish shine! Really!
Our friend at the machine shop that did our rudder shaft showed me that. Pretty cool trick!

Gena put in the wood mounting plate for the house pressure pump. Every boat needs a pressurized water system I think. Manual foot pumps are going in as a failsafe but I know we'll never use them.

 Anyway, she asked me if it should be coated with blue stuff as it is treated plywood. I thought it might as well be because what's left in the can will just get thrown away anyway. Unfortunately I should have taken the picture before that. lol

We have a unique idea about how to pursue the design of the berth.

The problem of mildew on a boat is ever present. It starts under mattresses and seat covers then leaches into the foam making a terrible small that is impossible to evacuate once started. Normally, large holes are cut out of the plywood to allow for ventilation, thus alleviating mold build up between airing times.

Unfortunately this doesn't work 100%. Eventually, the mattress doesn't get aired in time and the mildew starts, leading to replacement of the foam.

Our solution is to use an air mattress! We both use them now and they are quite comfortable. Ours have lasted well over a year and only need a couple of lung-fulls of air every 3 months or so. The Coleman type seem best for a midrange price.

Gena lays out berth frame on deck

The next weapon in the battle against mildew is to NOT use wood and have plenty of air holes. ( in case we decide after a while to use a foam mattress )
Plastic lattice ( The kind you use around a deck or for partitioning a garden etc ) seemed to be the ideal solution. The top photo shows how well it fits in. The center supports are needed because based on our experiences, this type of plastic will stretch over time if too much weight is on it.
Another advantage to using plastic over ply is the weight factor. The whole berth will flip up on hinges to access a rather large area underneath so should be light to be manageable. The framing around it it 7/8" rough cut oak ( which will of course be smoothed )  and will have a face and top rail ( actually an oak handrail ) to make it easier to get up on to.

Tomorrow it goes in !


Day 290:
7 hours: Prepared for hatch framing. ( 5 hatches ) made aft double berth frame, put in pressure pump mount

To DAY 289

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To DAY 291