Day 370 More galley lockers& wiring
 A oui! Quel beau tambour! Once the frame was together I was surprised to see how well they slide up and down. This stuff is great! As it was purchased "used" I can only guess at how old this stuff is or where it came from.
For the tambour, a 1/4" x 1/2" slot was cut and the frames spaced apart to allow 1/8" movement. This way moisture expansion shouldn't be a problem. If there is a problem, the ends of the tracks have been routed downward to facilitate removal of the tambour. So far so good!

The real trick will be fitting them in place. There will be another one of these only single to fit on the forward side of the stove (pieces 4 & 5) but I can't get any real measurements as Gena is working in that area. ( God forbid I upset her concentration with the wiring. She's been under there a while, better go check and see if she's ok he he.

The perfect time to work on the foot locker in the forward berth. The framed top will flip up and house our monster sewing machine. The small frame on the end will be attached for the larger frame to hinge from. The reason this was done this way was because the sewing machine just barely fits, even the lid swinging up would be in the way!

The little end section won't be attached until a cubby hhole is cut out in there to stuff sewing accessories.


The latch must be very strong so, in the event of a knockdown, it won't be floating around in the cabin with us. I decided to make my own out of aluminum and brass ( yellow part ) and if you look really closely at the photo, you may see the "button" sticking out. A good press on this and it's open, other wise it will remain firmly closed.
As mentioned Gena was underneath the floor somewhere pushing 8 gauge wire for power to the pumps etc from the controls at the dashboard area, and other wire to the dash fuse panel from the entertainment center( I've dubbed it that now! ) lighting, fans, freezer etc. Every once in a while she'd call me to pull yet more wire through the pipe hole in the floor poking up and moving back and forth like little snakes coming out of their nest, each with a name tied around it's neck.

All of the wire is being encased in 6's or 8's in lomex for protection from rubbing. The below image shows some of this below the pilothouse floor. This is just the tip of the wiring iceberg, the best is yet to come.

Wires are temporarily labeled with masking tape

An ever-thickening clump of wire grows in the pilothouse dashboard area!

Day 370:
8 hours - Completed first under deck locker for galley, framed footlocker top, wired for pumps and freezer, over

to DAY 369
Put some time aside and read this honest week by week account
 of a couple building their own boat and sailing 3 years around the world.
Chronicling the ups and downs of building, just as we have, and living the
 dream as we hope to!
     They will be releasing the book "World Voyagers" on April 27 2007.

to DAY 371