Day 420 Tambour Desk top
Now that I'm under way on Gena's desk, I must consider the logistics of the design.
A test with the tambour was necessary now the slots are cut out. The small slot (photo above) is to seat the false back "wall"  into, as previously described.
The tambour top wasn't too difficult to insert down the tracks, just deciding on the position and angle on the desk. Gena had it in mind to have access to shelves along the left side, backing onto the bulkhead, but hadn't considered the desired depth of the tambour cabinet itself.

It must house her PC and stand, lamp, and whatever else. After a few measurements the dimensions became apparent. That is supposed to be the beauty of making your own furniture. Getting a good size suit suit the application.

 After I showed her the "way it was going to be" I think she was a little miffed. I'm only a carpenter captain, not a damned quantum mechanic! ( Say with a Scottish accent )

Anyway, with a little ingenuity I managed to make her happy by introducing the cabinet to the left and right, as well as the "cubby hole" to house her aging, yet still working, ham radio. The cabinet on the left wil have a specially sized shelf for her computer CD collection, leaving still ample room for paperback sized books above it.

Frame in place on desk with backing
The cabinet on the right is being a real challenge as it must (a) look nice (b) allow enough room for the larger clothing locker door to open, and (c) line up flush with the "mean" height of everything else.

 The "hockey stick" in the picture above is actually bigger than it appears and is made of layers of solid oak board.
Made from several sections, routing was also a challenge as I have no bits that large. The solution was to cut in a 45 degree angle from each side (shown in photo), then use the belt sander to round the edges using a cardboard template (1/4 circle) at 1.5" radius. This was tedious and slow, but eventually yielded a perfect curve.

Next I made the framing for the vertical tambour door, which may or may not be a good idea. It's left over material, and I can't resist using it is all.

Unfortunately, the belt sander (yes another "Made In China" product), packed it in and wasted a good portion of the afternoon in futile repair attempts and a nasty belt snap to my hand which will certainly leave a scar.

That evening, Gena produced an ancient, lesser belt sander she found in her old junk in the shed. It'll do the job until it's odd sized belt wears out. I really hate to buy another but if this one can't make the grade we'll be off the the hardware store. The problem with the more expensive and durable sanders is they weigh 40 lbs! I need to be able to hold the thing up with one arm as I roll out a fine curve, or smooth an edge.

Round cabinet leaves room for adjacent door to open
After several hints from Gena that her larger books won't possibly fit into any of the bookshelves, I have decided to make another cabinet/bookshelf on top of the low cabinet, yet-to-be-built, that will adorn the top frame of the tambour cabinet.

There! Finally a solution. I hope we have enough lead in the ballast trim  to counter the weight of all this on the starboard side. Ha ha!

Speaking of lead. We hauled up the last 2000 lbs of it and are both aching nicely. This will be used to trim up the balance during the shake down. ( Hopefully not at the dock!) Boats can act differently under different conditions on different tacks and points of sail. It's probably a good idea to keep the lead ingots fluid for a while until we feel confident she is balanced properly.

It's barely the beginning of September and already the night time temperatures are touching 0 degrees. I must get this finished so the stain and coatings can harden properly without running the heater for days on end. Each piece must be pre-coated ( as I usually do ) so managed to do them before the evening was over.

Gena continued on the house "fixing up"  and painted the shed, which we have put off since before we started the boat. I don't know why we did as it looks really cool now!...for the next owners.
Our time off is almost over, and the push is on before the leaves start falling. That's why Gena has been focusing on prepping the house for a spring sale. Once those temps drop, it's totally impossible to do anything that involves stucco, paint, or stain.

Day 420:
Mounted tambour top, started side cabinets

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