Day 437 Spindles, breadboard/ freezer
Another day with spindles. I slotted these ones to add a little complexity. They are pretty functional as guards for small things like books etc. sliding off and hitting a person in the head, so may as well look nice!

I also tackled the breadboard today. This breadboard has been Genas for most of her adult life so we decided to keep using it on the boat. It's a good'n.

Unfortunately the origional size was 4" too big both ways, so I cut it down and carefully mimicked the origional groove and routes on the side. It was so close, Gena never even noticed until I mentioned it.

That's part of building a boat as partners, those little things that make each other happy. Something lone boatbuilders can't experience. If you are building a boat, or any large project for that matter, get a partner or good friend to help. I think it makes a big difference. I'm always keeping my work to the highest standard to the best of my ability, and so does she...well unless she's mad at me hehe.

Anyway, back to the breadboard. It also functions as the lid for our 12 volt -40º freezer. Because of the hinging angle and the depth of the true door, it is a little tight and must be sanded on the inner edge of the box frame. I decided to do that tommorow.

The spindles aft on each side of the berth are now in, and look pretty cool. They're what those nooks needed. Now if only I could make all of that wire go away! I noticed the little flip up door handles aren't in yet, so did that too. They're drying below. Being inly 1/2" ply, over time and repeated spattering of water before the portlights were in, they warped some.

A neat little trick I have discovered will cure a warp, that is as long as the board is less than 3 feet across. That's the size of the oven in the house. I wet them down a lot because they have had a light coat of varathane already, then place them into the oven for 5 minutes at 300ºF. Then, with double layers of pants on, (I already wear those because it's damned cold out this time of year!) and some oven mitts, I forcefully bend the board over my knee to counter the warp. After checking and redoing, they come flat well. Then let them cool under some weight on the floor. Voila!

I have given them a 3rd coat so this won't happen again any time soon. I may have stressed this in the past but I'll say it again, it's just like anything else in the marine environment, everything must be done double or triple that of doing it on land.

One of the jobs I have once getting out to the coast will be to look under drawers, inside cupboards and lockers, under frames etc. to make sure they have a decent coating of whatever.


Gena continued on her trek to the perfect heavy duty alternator mount. She is very patient, and has created some sort of metal sculpture! It sorta looks like a dog from a cartoon I watched as a child..or did I dream that? Yes! That's it because he had no hind legs. (Never mind, long story I'll only tell after a few!)

She set out early to get these done up so they could be painted and ready to go in later in the day. She almost matched the color of blue with the alternator but not quite! I should have been advising I guess.

I don't think she noticed lol! Even with all of this support, a doubled up pair of outrigger support brackets are still needed. She was going to make new ones but I intervened, "just double 'em up" and she did.
After a couple of hours she announced that the big alternator is in place.

   For the record environmentalist readers ( I am too really! ), I did mention early on in the site that we had attempted to purchase an electric wheel, only to be shunned by the manufacturer once they learned we were electronics techs. Hmm. But that was long ago, in a time where "global warming" was the rant of a lunatic and late night listeners of Coast to Coast AM. To quote the father in the movie "Independence Day":
"I've been sayin' it for years haven't I?"
   Recently they ( the wheel guys) tried suing Toyota for stealing their design. Now lets be real here! The motor is basically a giant stepper motor, just like the ones they used in the old printers that could rip your hand off if you put it into the workings, and is a natural evolution of controlled motor technology. That is basically what Toyota said as well, with the additional comment of " I we needed your design, we would have bought out you company with pocket change" or something like that.
   They were so busy trying to screw the little guy that they missed the " Hey! -maybe hybrids engines are a good thing" train.  Duh. Sorry folks, we are still upset about this.
Eventually, when electric cars are the norm, and the scrap yards start filling up with them, then we can get one into our!

 Now we have 210 amps of generating power! yay!

Too bad we must belch out black smoke for it. Oh well, It'll be for emergencies only so it's ok.

Actually it will have to be for emergencies only at these fuel prices!!

We always joke with our neighbor, Brian, who has a place in Venezuela. He hints around that we should come by and we'll all go for an outing. It's a great place on land, but approaching by sea is hazardous with all of the pirating etc. going on.

"But," I say, "we really should stop by there each circumnavigation to fill up the tanks!"



Day 437:
8  hours - mostly Gena's 8. Installed spindles, freezer door top cutting board, and alternator.

Need a house moved?

Located near Millet Alberta