Day 438 Tilt Steering &Davits
Little jobs keep creepin' in on us, especially me, as this one did. Gena was pulling out the wiring in prep for doing up the switch panel and it dawned on me that the solenoid for the tilt wasn't actually on yet! The wiring is pretty simple, but, because the only really powerful solenoid we could dig up at the shop was 24 volts, a little trickery was involved.
 As my "flash schematic" demonstrates, a fairly hefty capacitor is charged during the priming position of the switch. This stored voltage is then added to the 12 volts available making 24 volts total. This is an ample jolt to pull in the solenoid spring with lots of force. A bolt welded to the shaft acts as a pin to hold the tilt position in one of the 8 holes.

The steering wheel needs to be held still or the pin jams, but with time, the pin should work loose from rubbing (I hope)

Anyway, it's all good and now I can get out of Gena's way.



She was making good use of her time in any case.

It was decided that cordoning off the port side access next to the engine would be good for storage away from the heat, and would also improve airflow along that side of the engine. It's an aluminum door that slides up and down in a track. Pretty cool! It *does* add to the complexity of the rats maze under there, but that might be good too. If we can't find our way around the boat anymore, we're probably too senile to be sailing around the world too ha ha!



Now for the davits!

 Every boat this size needs some sort of dinghy or tender to travel into shore while at anchor, unless being a "marina rat" is planned. Dealing with the tender depends on the size and type. We have opted towards an inflatable with a hard "V" bottom. This gives it more stability inside but allows compact stowage. I could never imagine the inconvenience of having a wood tender flipped onto the cabin top blocking the view, adding windage, and constantly needing to be tightened down during heavy weather.
Hoisting any tender with the motor attached requires a crane or davit to avoid the lazy mans way of dragging the dinghy behind the boat, which is a tremendous strain on it resulting in possible loss of the dinghy. Because we already have the radar arch in place, it seems only logical to attach the davits to it. There are cranes on the market, but nothing that would fit our transom or arch, most deck mounts are ugly, and the price is astronomical.


I've always had an idea of how these things should look so I drafted them up in my 3d animation program and did the modifications there. For a more in depth look at the design and progress of the davits, which took several days to put together, open new window.(pro55.htm)


A few hours in and things started coming together....

   The video was created from the 3d plans I did in Maya, and shows how everything will go together. Click here to play outside of browser.


The welding must be done carefully so as to prevent distortion of the "box" of stainless. Everything must be polished afterwards so the welds need to be kept clean.





Day 438:
12  hours - Started davits, installed tilt solenoid, put in gate off engine area, started switch panel

Need a house moved?

Located near Millet Alberta