Day 391 Under deck Lights /Anchor
There's Gena with the blue stuff again. This time underneath the  forward berth, now that I have sworn no more sanding will take place in the area. ( I could sneak a bit in unnoticed hehe! ) She is worried about sawdust getting on it in hidden places, then going into the bilge and clogging up the pump. A valid concern I suppose.
The more important job today was to mount the big 110 lb Bruce anchor in the sail locker. It truly is a monster and should have a lease so as to not become a hazard while off of the bow roller. The photo below shows the first part of the solution. Aluminum brackets hold it in place at the top. In the other photo the end still hangs free. A clamp of sort will need to be fabricated to hold it allong the 2x2. The tip will need to be blocked with a removable pin so it can't swing around. Th photo also shows the pressure washer mounted in a way it can be removed. This it for blasting crud off the anchor chain. It will be switched from salt to fresh water just for the option. Gena rigged two "wood nuts" on the back of the plate so it can be removed to carry around in deck when we really want to clean up. The hose will extend out of the hatch above for doing the anchor chain. Very convenient we think!

Pressure washer in place, but removeable

With all of the "stuff"  in the sail locker, I hope there will be enough room for the actual sails. Gena is going to blue stuff everything and then we'll start hauling sails up.

Wiring in and mounting the under deck lights in the galley was my job for the day. These strips of LEDs were made at work (see lighting page) and were easy to mount. Running the wire to the switches then to the lighter plug connected them all together.

 There is one more bar over the sink that will be connected to the same bus as the entertainment center so it's not on in the photo. The end strip is red ( so we can do dishes late at night without ruining our night vision lol -we're bad for that, a nasty habit leaving dishes! ) and each bar is on it's own switch.

 The amount of light from these 16 flux-led strips in this application is wonderful. There will be no problem seeing while cooking, better than in the house really!

They warm up a bit but not enough to cause any concern.

Under deck lights in galley



Day 391:
7 hours - Put in lights, mounted anchor, mounted pressure washer, blue stuffed

To DAY 390
The 2007 UEFA cup champions!

Italia is truly #1!!

To DAY 392