Project 52 Pedestal display console


This may be the coolest electronic thing I have ever done....if it works...

"Sorry about my non-scientific presentation format. I never went to university and as long as it gets the point across, I'm sure anyone with the desire to learn something from my research will put up with it. Anything in blue is a descriptional link to Wikipedia. "

The need for displays outside in the cockpit grew and grew, so did the amount of different displays that we wanted. Sonar for depth, wind direction speed, knotmeter, GPS, heading ind, rudder position ind, engine data, fuel levs, etc etc etc. On and on it goes!

Now, of course, we don't need to have *all* of that stuff out there, about half of it is necessary for safety reasons, and I know what it's like to have to go into the cabin and eyeball the displays every time something is needed. It wouldn't be fun when is pouring rain and we're steering into a busy port. Plus a dead helmsman switch (programmable) incorporated into the unit could be a life saver while on watch. If the display/beeper prompts a button be pressed, and the pilot doesn't respond, an alarm will sound.

My original idea of having a display on an arm over the compass has grown to monstrous proportions, but still remains relatively simple once I was able to get over all of the "bumps in the road".

Because of many reasons, way too many to explain here, I have decided to go with a Tablet PC. There's no turning back as we have purchased one especially for this!

Design Considerations  
(1) The display must be viewable day or night. A trans-reflective display allows viewing from ambient light as well as a backlight of sorts. The night problem, something that can ruin your night vision, has been solved* ** by using a red bezel that snaps over the display case, then setting the dimmer to low.
*I tried to use a pwm signal on the dimmer control but once down to the level I wanted, sections of the backlight would start to go out, unevenly! The dimmer will still be controlled indirectly by a CDS cell.
**I also tried using 2 red LED bars to illuminate the display from outside of the PCs case top and bottom, then made a simplified monochrome display for ease of viewing at night, but it doesn't illuminate the center enough. I may still try more on this..
(2) The display must be water proof, totally!
          (i)   No buttons
          (ii)  Sealed plug
          (iii) internal "dew" sensor
This has been an issue that can be solved quite simply really. The case design must be, of course, waterproof. A glued 1/2"  Lexan case with the only removable part being the bottom (that everything is attached to) seems a good idea. Pressurizing the case via a standard tire nipple may even be better

(i) The "buttons" that one uses to control the display can be proximity sensors thus requiring no contact with the exterior. The industrial ones are nice but would cost a fortune at hundreds of dollars each, and I need 6, so guess I'll be making those myself. More on that below.

(ii) The entry plug, where the wires come in, is a waterproof style that also will be siliconed.

(iii) Just for good measure, a "dew" sensor ( like the ones in the old VCRs) will be installed and connected in the bottom of the case. This way if there is a catastrophic failure in the case, the unit won't come on but an alarm will sound, saving the whole thing from destruction.
This may be replaced/accompanied by a tire pressure sensor...if the pressure falls off, then the "leaking" alarm sounds.
(3) Interfacing the PC with the real world
       (i)   Writing a program in C
       (ii)  Java, Basic, other languages
       (iii) Macromedia flash, "my" language
       (iv) RS-232?? USB???Midi??
       (v)  Solution at last
This has been a major nightmare because of my ineptitudes at programming modern PCs in Windows.

(i) I tried to learn "C" but beyond opening a goofy window and executing programs from a timer, I haven't been able to grasp it. To add insult to injury, getting at the RS-232 port seems to be a really complicated issue. When I ask, everyone that is "in the know" rolls their eyes into the back of their heads. What does that mean?? Am I screwed??

(ii) I began to learn other languages, including Java, which I found out can't even access the RS-232 port, and Quick Basic, which I am an expert in. Problem is, Quick basic's access to the RS-232 port is limited and seems undocumented, being dead and all for so long.
Research?  I only have 1 year to do this!

(iii) Macromedia flash, a very good setup for cool graphics, simple and complex, and still growing. I love flash! Problem is, how to interface flash with the real world? I asked flash "experts"and "gurus". They all scratched their heads. I believed there was a solution coming so much, that I actually wrote the display program in flash...only to be saddened by it's lack of physical abilities "outside of the box."

(iv) RS-232 seems impossible to write for, yet there are programs that control it. A ham SSTV program can, GPS NMEA input options in windows access it. I'm not in the good 'ol boys club and can't afford to go on a 5 year course with Microsoft to learn it all so RS-232 is out.
USB seems easy enough to implement in itself, from whatever .dll custom designed, but because of protocol nightmares is a hard thing to interface on the hardware end. Not saying that it can't be done by an amateur, but I've yet to see it....successfully.
I know MIDI well and have built all sorts of MIDI hardware that works perfectly still. It's slow, 32kbps, but how much speed & data do you need to check wind direction, humidity, & barometric pressure?

(v) The solution is at hand! Some brilliant fellow named Alexis Isaac designed a bidirectional MIDI plug-in for Macromedia flash 8.
OMG!! I could kiss him!! I have tried it out and it works! I went out and bought a MIDI to USB box and plugged it into the tablet. Goes like a dream, so problem solved! You can get flashmidi free from the site by clicking on the tablet PC in the picture at top of page.
(4) Static discharge protection The MIDI box is only to interface the PC with my PIC board ( see top diagram ) which is MIDI isolated by opto-isolators on each end. That is why I have decided to do the same with the bus going to the dashboard box inside. It's isolated into the tens of thousands of volts removing any fear of a near lightning strike killing all of the electronics because of my silly "binnacle antenna" in the cockpit.
(5) Small and friendly and pretty enough to meet the cap'n's approval!


Key Methods

The "buttons":








 I put "buttons" in quotes because they have no moving parts, thus can't really be classified as buttons. After much research and thinking about other ways to do it**, I came up with a viable method. The rough schematic (below) shows how this will be achieved.
It's common knowledge to any radio tech that bringing objects, metal, ferrite, water, or fingers, near an oscillator circuit running at HF, or High Frequency, will alter the frequency of the oscillator. A free running oscillator might be shifted by double it's frequency or cut off completely just by bringing ones finger near the inductor in the circuit.

Because the frequency of a free running oscillator is unpredictable, changing with temperature etc, and could cause interference to the ships radio apparatus with the antennas being directly above the cockpit, I have chose a frequency of 16 MHz in a crystal type colpitts oscillator. This will only interfere with 16 MHz on the shortwave which isn't used by anything (probably because it's a microprocessor fundamental frequency) and a few kc's up and down from there.
By putting an LC (inductor-capacitor) circuit in series with the crystal, it can be varied, slightly, by a finger in close proximity.

Here's where it gets strange. As I did tests using 2 oscillators, one fixed, the other one variable by proximity, I noticed that the 2 oscillators will fall into phase lock when on the same power bus. This is to say that because they pull current during a certain part of their cycle, as their pulling power lines up, they tend to "see-saw" with each other, pulling together.
Because this wasn't what I had planned, I had to sway away from trying to use this effect because it would require extensive R&D.

The theory of operation is as follows:
The PIC chip's crystal will run at 16 mhz, and will be used as the reference for the other oscillators.
Each "button" has it's own crystal and LC. ***
The outputs of each of the 6 oscillators are fed into a diode switching network, controlled by the PIC, to be mixed with the reference crystal's frequency.
This mix is then filtered to only pass the lower frequency resulting from the difference between the two.
The op-amps output is turned into a trigger style pulse that can be measured by the PIC chip, which takes an average change period over time calculation.
If this change varies beyond preset delta parameters, the PIC reads that oscillator as "button pressed" and forwards the data to the MIDI box.

It seems to work thus far, and the PC board layout's "coily tracework" seems aptly spaced. The true test will be once behind 1/4" Lexan.

The "buttons" must also emit an audible "beep" from a little piezo buzzer on the main board. So one knows the "button" has been pressed.

**Other methods I researched were:
  Optics-using IR photo-transistors and emitters to sense finger proximity. Rain drops, dark gloves, bird poo, & intense sunlight made this a bad choice.
  Piezo-pressure sensing-Using piezo beepers properties to sense a finger tap in the vicinity. Problems were once again, rain, mechanical aspects of design ( I built a rather awful drum machine using these ) and temperature variation.
  Hall Effect Sensors- Would work great until you forgot to wear your magnetic finger thimble! I toyed with little magnets in rubber sheaths but it's too design intensive, plus they'd probably all fall off he he.
  The Tablet Pen - The newer Tablet PCs use a magical pen that will pull the mouse around even if you are 1" away from the screen! Pretty cool but.... I have a hard enough time finding my lost tablet pen in the living room or car, forget the whole ocean during a gale!
  Stupid Ideas - I'm too shy to admit online

***Originally, I was going to just use one crystal and switch inductors with the PIC chip, but because the proximity sensing is so delicate, any electronic switching method at that end would cause great variance, thus reducing the ability of the PIC the decided whether or not the signal was true. Also, all oscillators require a stabilization period that would vary and cause all sorts of intermittent problems.

The case:

The case is the single most important part of an electronic unit being outside, especially in salt air.
The material must be absolutely waterproof, strong, and easy to work with

After doing a corner test ( 2 pieces glued & screwed together) with 1/2" Lexan and Gorilla glue, I am confident that things will hold together well.

Routing in the sides 1/8" to receive the edges is a good method as it offers strength, alignment, and a rough surface to bond the glue with. Gorilla glue is waterproof, but has bubbles in it, from expanding during setting. as long as the bubble size is smaller than the join size there will be no problem. I will line all of the inner corners with silicone anyway. The face will be 1/4" clear Lexan.

Small SS screws inset will hold it together initially, but will be left in as they don't create a leak hazard if left alone after curing.

The bottom removable panel will be gasketed with rubber and silicone on the rough edge. The smooth edge will create the seal with some grease on it. Several screws will hold the bottom in place.

Attached to the bottom will be a vertical support that will hold the tablet PC, MIDI box board, Power Supply Board, and Interface boards in place. This way, to service unit, the case can remain in position while the "guts" can be taken in.

The bottom will have a waterproof 8 pin plug, and a fill nipple ( a standard tire style one should work ) to pressurize the box to, say 5 psi.

Power: Power is a big consideration on a sailboat. I'm pleased to report that the Fujitsu tablet PC is very easy on power. .5 amps will run it, with peak demands ( HD firing up, heavy CPU etc ) only reaching 1.5 amps.

The power considerations don't end there though.
Several issues to powering up the unit, powering it down, and keeping data have arisen.

(i) The Midi box USB must be fully initiated when coming on from standby. The USB doesn't always recognize the fact that the thing is plugged in for whatever reason, so the MIDI box must be physically switched out (latching relay?) until after the startup time has passed.
From a "cold start" everything works fine, but takes a minute or so to get everything loaded and running. Not very good in a hurried situation.

(ii) The tablet won't run reliably on 12 volts alone. It must have it's little 12 volt - 18 volt charger thing. When I originally tested this, I was fooled as the voltage I was using was 13.8 volts. It works fine there, but drop that to 13 volts and sometimes it won't start up. Because the house batteries vary from 14 volts to 12.5 volts, this is unacceptable. Luckily we were able to find some Fujitsu 12 volt adapters on eBay.

(iii) When the unit is shut down, the PIC board must remain powered to occasionally check the "on button" and also to maintain the DRAM chip connected to it, in the form of a refresh cycle, so it doesn't forget options set, data tracking etc.(see iv)

(iv) Because Macromedia flash can't seem to actually write anything to the hard drive, ( Yay! One more annoying security feature!) once the system was shutdown to a cold shutdown, all configuration data will be lost. i.e. display type ( I have themes haha! ) user preferences, etc. as well as any tracking data that needs to remain.
Tracking barometric/temp/humidity may be done in the dashboard unit anyway, but there still needs to be some DRAM somewhere in the unit to store all of the junk that will be going back and forth.

PIC Unit will fire up PC if:
Engine is started
An emergency happens i.e. radar perimeter, overcharge, low battery
Dead Helmsman switch is not pressed within (5) minutes of warning beep while under way if helmsman had previously "checked in" before shutting down unit without "checking out"

Display light will shut off after preset time, if activated, and can be lit back up by waving near any of the "buttons" - like a mouse move screen saver.



Problems that may arise:  
Heat I have noticed that when the CPU is under a high percentage of use, the PC heats up a fair amount and the fan starts going. If I keep it below 50% or so this doesn't happen.
The flash program I have written can consume 50% during a graphically intense bunch of changes in the display. I may be able to re-write the flash to be easier on the CPU.
If the PC is inside of a plastic container, things get pretty warm over time. In the northern climate this isn't a problem, but in the tropics it may be.

I am now seriously thinking about placing a low profile aluminum heat sink on the back of the unit. This will help dissipate the hot air inside, without the air actually passing through the case. This will require some careful sealing considerations as aluminum, bare, can be corroded quite quickly in salt air.

Another solution would be to use a Peltier junction and small heat sink. This would consume a large amount of power though.

I can only hope that wind blowing by while underway will keep things cool enough. Only time will tell.

RF interference from ham radios Both HF ham antennas are situated as backstays and, therefore, pass directly over the pedestal. There is some concern about the RF (around 100 watts max) during transmission triggering the proximity switches. I have given this careful thought* and should be able to null the interference by having the software recognize the multiple simultaneous "button presses" and ignore them.

This'll work if
(a) the frequency of the transmission doesn't matter, &
(b) both stations do the same thing.

The best solution would be to include an RF sensor input to the control PIC that would cause any following instructions to be disregarded within a certain time period. This could be added on later.

*A lesson in integrated systems seems to be nosing it's way into the design. An RS-232-like CTS (clear-to-send) would sure be nice here!

Thick winter gloves While cruising in Northern latitudes, wearing heavily insulated gloves is a must. While pressing "buttons" with heavy gloves seems silly, it will need to be done.

My main concern is that the fingertips won't allow close enough proximity to the sensor array. This could be solved by increasing sensitivity with a start up test routine, but seems tedious.

A temperature sensor reading would work, but who's to say which gloves one might be wearing on that particular day.

The obvious solution is to NOT cruise northern lats he he!


Desired features ( displayed data, control, etc )
My (our) Wish List
The pedistal will display the following:

1) Rudder angle info, Graphic history plot ( good for monitoring auto pilot )
2) GPS position, Number of satellites, and graphic plot
3) GPS heading and history plot ( Good for analyzing auto-helm, oscillations etc )
4) Speed in knots
5) Radar info (ie a small graphic display with objects as markers/Range to closest, warning beeper )
6) Sonar info
7) Wind Direction Data
8) Heal angle ( IF possible )
9) Engine RPMS/OIL/TEMP ( when running only )
10) Knotmeter speed ( IF possible? May be just on other display on back of PH)
11) Barometric pressure/temp/humidity in barograph format. ( reasons obvious)

I would like it to also display the following:
12) A basic radar plot and positional data of surrounding vessels when marked
13) Anchor chain length info ( Look in promain.htm for my windlass counter design)
14) GMT time continuously displayed ( good for navigation, dead reckoning )
15) Case temperature, PSI reading

I suppose control features could be limitless, but at the moment I only plan to allow for simple/required control of anything in the boat. Exterior lighting (boom, spreader lights) is one of them, engine stop may be another.

The interface is very cool! I need to rewrite it to respond to a mouse so you can all see it beyond the default page. There are several themes of display data that can be brought up from "Ye Olde Classic gauges", to "Techno", "Starlight", "Pong", "3d", "Submarine", Max Night Visibility, and "Gamer".
During run mode, each display element can be "blown up" larger. (This is mostly so Gena can see it better without reading glasses) The barograph can be expanded to full screen and has a tricolor pen display. It also has different paper styles, graphic styles, blank, "olde" and black/inverted for night viewing.
The user can select her (or his) name on the user menu to load all of her (or his) preferences. I have been testing the program on a tablet with the MIDI box and a "Sweet 16" midi controller to emulate the changing inputs.

Obviously this project will continue to grow long after we have hit the high seas, and can be updated via wireless. All of which will be posted here.

Note:         For PART II of Pedistal Display console ( tests etc ) click here
                    For Pedestal Sender unit (DASHPIC), please follow link here

I have posted all this so as you ( the interested party, well, you must be if you've read thus far...) can see how it all turns out as it happens. If you know something I don't, i.e. see a catastrophic failure in my reasoning, or a way to write to the HD from Flash, or just want to say hi, don't hesistate to drop me a line at mailme.html and let me know. Check back from time to time. As the project progresses, so will the size of this web page.


to Individual projects main page part 2 of pedestal display


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