As we have received many requests to display a single project from start to finish, I have decided to post a list of links to full project compilations. They are individual areas of the project as a whole, kept as separate as possible.
Due to time constraints, the flow of the text may be a bit jumpy or reference things that aren't actually on the page, but will be shown from top to bottom in the order of construction.
I hope some of you will enjoy a more focused look at the completed boat projects that may interest you.

LAST UPDATE - November 6th, 2008          

Exterior projects:
Building hull frames/webs
Adding frame stringers
Adding aft stembar & prep for plating
Radius Plating
Smoothing Radius Joins
Hull Plating
Keel Plating
Welding everything up +stringers()()
Transom/Swim Deck
Deck & Poopdeck
Turning Boat Over
Making Some Boat Stands(76)
Cabin Sides
Side Steps
Hatch frames / Hatches
Large Windows
Prop Tube

From full size blue prints to cut steel framework, the skeleton
Connecting the sections of frames and to support hull plate
Joining aft and snaping stringers
The big secret of a radius chine in steel ( our version!)
Making a square fit into a round hole
Serving up some heavy, long, big stuff
The big "pull-in"
1000 feet of welding seams inside and out
The mysterious fit, and modification to suit our needs
An invisible framework
How to turn a 11,000 lb boat hull over - the easy way
A sturdy set of stands
A different twist
A step in the right direction..
Escaping the pre-fab  hatch monopoly.
16 views outside
A panoramic view
Installing a prop tube 101
The rudder, shaft, tower, and heel
Interior projects:
Ballast Lead
Keel Access
Bulkheads (all)
Coal Tarring/ priming
Foam insulation
Desk in forward stateroom
Desk in aft stateroom
Cabinets / lockers /
Small doors /drawers
Seating ( dining area )
Hydraulics / Steering
The Engine
Engine Experimental Hull Cooling


Fuel, water, septic...
The way to do it, not to do it, & the way we should have done it
Plates and gaskets galore for trim ballast
Dividing the vast interior
A very good coating inside the hull
Warm in here at last!
Durable, reliable interior material
No more tip toeing across frames
A place to lay our weary heads (incomplete)
"The  Fresh Studio", Electro-workshop, and vessel Internet center
Gena's desk
Wires, wires, wires! This is the whole story.
The monster pipe project
Behind door #1 to door #5
Somewhere to hide "stuff"-Includes Galley cupboards.
To pull, or not to pull..
Comfortable seating and storage underneath
The dual station steering system & Emergency system
Here's Perky! He demands so much, but can't live without him!
Completely untested method of cooling the engine
Other related projects, hardware, custom electronics:
Desktop Organizer /lamp
PIC projects main page
Sewage tank level indicator + revised
LED Lighting
VHF Antenna Switch
Latch hardware
Mini-Stereo System
Studio audio switch & Edirol AC
The maritime Hamshack

Remote Radio Head (CAT)
Pedestal -Display Console
Pedestal Dash Sender unit
Dash Rudder Indicator/Dimmer

Small Seats
Anchor Chain Counter
USB Hub - High Power

NMEA programming

<<Back Home<<

A great Christmas gift for Gena
The conglomeration of my microprocessor projects (some 4 boat!)
A reliable (we hope) level indicator for a S.S. waste tank
No bulbs here!
A sealed unit, no worry of contact exposure
A stainless custom binnacle for the cockpit
2 years in the making, well.... on paper..
Power saving to the max, but great sound
Reducing plugs, wires, mess
Our radio system(s) projects etc
A second Ham radio control for the dashboard!
A remote display of everything! It'll be cool! (I hope)
The sender/data acquisition unit in dash where all the sensors are
Auto-dimming LED Bar rudder position & PWM dash dimmer ctrl.
Stainless Davits to haul up the tender
Office chairs in a boat??!!A car seat?!!  Folding Nav seat, and more!
This is my dual station anchor chain counter in progress (2008)
The USB Hub for my studio/desk/workstation must have some ummph!
I'm finally messing around with hardware and NMEA!

Forum <VIDEO> Boatcam

Site designed by S.Sims (C)  freshnellymusik